Jianlin Guo

Current Residence
Panyu District, Guangzhou

Guangzhou, China

Past Residence
Xian, China; Shenzhen, China

Owns & operates ‘Sijui Shuyuan’ homestay and cultural education center

Favorite social gathering space
Sijiu Market-village

“We hope through promoting Chinese studies forward, people can find themselves. Today, many people have a lost sense of identity. Through educating culture and history, people can find their phoenix within.”

Ms. Guo studied architecture in Xi’an and subsequently in Guangzhou. During the early 2000’s she worked as a designer and project manager on projects across the PRD region, and across various typologies. In her work as an architect and entrepreneur, Ms. Guo focuses on Chinese culture and eastern medicine in particular.

“There is a need for bold village leaders to push things to happen.”